Dental Post-op Instructions

After any dental procedure, it is important to follow the post operative instructions given in order to improve the healing process and also to maintain that beautiful smile of yours.


Below you will find some of the post operative instructions for many common procedures.

Here are My Fairfax Dental, Dr. Le and her team are dedicated to the health and comfort of our patients, if at anytime after a procedure your recovery is not going as expected, please contact us or Call/Text 571-969-3368 immediately.

  1. DO NOT DISTURB THE AREA:  For the next few days, and especially the first 24 hours, it is very important to allow your body to form a good clot and start the natural healing process. Swishing, sucking through a straw, and smoking can all dislodge the clot. Keep anything sharp from entering the wound (crunchy food, toothpicks, eating utensils). Be sure to chew on the opposite side for 24 hours.
  2. BLEEDING:  When you leave the office, you might be biting on a gauze pad to control bleeding. Keep slight pressure on this gauze for at least 30 minutes. Don’t change it during this time; it needs to remain undisturbed while a clot forms in the extraction socket. After 30 minutes you may remove it. You may bite on another gauze or a tea bag for another 30 minutes if you feel it is still bleeding.  Small amounts of blood in the saliva can make your saliva appear quite red. This is normal and may be noticed the rest of the day after the procedure.
  3. SMOKING:  Smoking should be stopped following surgery. Healing and success of the surgery will be substantially reduced by the cigarette smoke chemicals in your body. Also the suction created when inhaling cigarettes can dislodge the clot. Smokers are at greater risk of developing a painful Dry Socket.
  4. PAIN:  Some discomfort is normal after surgery. To minimize pain, Take two Tylenol, Nuprin, Advil, or similar non-aspirin pain reliever every 3 to 4 hours until bedtime to maintain comfort. Take it before the anesthesia wears off. If prescription pain medication is prescribed, take it as instructed on the label. Don’t exceed the dose on the label. Taking with food or milk will help reduce upset stomach. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery when taking pain prescriptions. Do not drink alcohol while taking prescription pain medications.
  5. NAUSEA:  This is most often caused by taking pain medications on an empty stomach. Reduce nausea by preceding each pain pill with soft food, and taking the pill with a large glass of water.
  6. SWELLING:   Applying an ice bag to the face over the operated area will minimize swelling. Apply for 15 minutes, then remove for 15 minutes. Continue this for the first day.
  7. NUMBNESS:  The local anesthetic will cause you to be numb for several hours after you leave the office. Be very careful not to bite, chew, pinch, or scratch the numb area. Sometimes the extraction causes residual numbness or tingling for six weeks or longer.
  8. BRUSHING:  Do not brush your teeth for the first 8 hours after surgery. After this, you may brush your teeth gently, but avoid the area of surgery for 3 days.
  9. RINSING:  Avoid all rinsing or swishing for 24 hours after extraction. Rinsing can disturb the formation of a healing blood clot which is essential to proper healing. This could cause bleeding and risk of dry socket. After 24 hours you may begin gentle rinsing with a saltwater solution (1/2 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon soda + 8 ounces warm water). Avoid commercial mouthrinses.
  10. DIET:  Eat soft foods for the first two days. Maintain a good, balanced diet. Return to normal regular meals as soon as you are able after the first two days. Drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours.
  11. ACTIVITY:   After leaving the office, rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. Keeping blood pressure lower will reduce bleeding and aid healing.
  12. ANTIBIOTICS:  If you were given an antibiotic prescription, take all of them as directed until they are gone. Women: some antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Use alternate birth control methods for two months.
  13. SINUS:  If your sinus was involved in the procedure, you should avoid blowing your nose or playing a wind musical instrument for one week. Use of decongestant medications might be recommended.
  14. FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS:  You may need to return to the office to have sutures removed, or just for a brief follow-up healing check.
  15. Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:
    1. uncontrollable pain
    2. excessive or severe bleeding
    3. marked fever
    4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
    5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

  1. After the procedure, take aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol®), or ibuprofen (Advil®) before the anesthetic wears off. Continue to take one tablet every four hours for the next two days.
  2. A saltwater solution (1/2 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon soda + 8 ounces warm water) swished in your mouth for 2 to 3 minutes every hour may make your mouth more comfortable.
  3. Use a soft toothbrush at least two times a day. Be gentle and clean thoroughly. Slight bleeding may occur while brushing as the tissues begin to heal.
  4. Avoid strong spicy seasonings, and hard crunchy for the next few days.
  5. Smoking should be stopped. Success of the treatment will be substantially reduced by the cigarette smoke chemicals in your body.
  6. As the tissues heal, some temporary sensitivity to cold may occur. Use a desensitizing toothpaste (such as Sensodyne®), or fluoride gel (such as Prevident® or Gel-Kam®) frequently (at least 4 times/day) for 1 to 2 weeks. Also, the cleaner the teeth are kept, the less sensitive they will be.
  7. Faithfully use any other oral hygiene aids that have been recommended (floss, Perio-Aid®, rubber tip, Sonicare®, Proxabrush®, Gel-Kam® fluoride, Peridex® mouthrinse, etc).
  8. Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:
    1. uncontrollable pain
    2. excessive or severe bleeding
    3. marked fever
    4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
    5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

  1. Crowns and bridges usually take two or three appointments to complete.
  2. On the first appointment the teeth are prepared. Temporary crowns or bridges are placed to protect the teeth while the custom restoration is being made. After each appointment when anesthetic has been used, your lips, teeth, and tongue may be numb for several hours after the appointment.
  3. Avoid any chewing until the numbness has completely worn off.
  4. On rare occasions temporary crowns come off. Call us if this happens, and keep the temporary so we can re-cement it. It is very important for the proper fit of your final restoration that temporaries stay in place.
  5. It’s normal to experience some hot, cold, and pressure sensitivity after each appointment. Your gums may be sore for several days. Rinse three times a day with warm salt water (a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, rinse-swish-spit) to reduce pain and swelling. Use medication as directed.
  6. To help keep your temporary in place, avoid eating sticky foods (especially gum), hard foods, and if possible, chew only on the opposite side of your mouth. It’s important to continue to brush normally, but floss very carefully and remove the floss from the side to prevent removal of the temporary crown.
  7. Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:
    1. uncontrollable pain
    2. excessive or severe bleeding
    3. marked fever
    4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
    5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

  1. When anesthetic has been used, your lips, teeth and tongue may be numb for several hours after the appointment. Avoid chewing until numbness has completely worn off. It is easy to bite or burn your tongue or lip while numb.
  2. You may take any over the counter pain reliever for tenderness or discomfort. You may take aspirin or Ibuprofen (Advil or Tylenol), unless you are allergic to these medications or have a medical condition that would prevent you from taking these medications. This will help with any soreness at the injection sites where your anesthetic was administered.
  3. It is normal to experience some hot, cold and pressure sensitivity after your appointment. Hot or cold sensitivity may linger for several weeks after the placement of the fillings. Usually these symptoms will subside over time.
  4. Your new fillings are fully hardened before you even leave the office; however it is wise to chew on the opposite side from the location of the newly placed filling(s) until the anesthetic has worn off.
  5. One of the most common problems following filling placement with anesthesia, is an incorrect bite. If your bite feels uneven please call our office so we can get you scheduled to correct your bite.
  6. Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:
    1. uncontrollable pain
    2. excessive or severe bleeding
    3. marked fever
    4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
    5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

  1. Swelling, minor pain and/or skin discoloration may be experienced following the surgical procedure. This will be temporary.
  2. In order to keep the swelling to a minimum, use an ice pack for the first few hours after surgery (on for 10 minutes and off for 5 minutes).
  3. The day after the surgery, use lukewarm water rinses for the treated area following each meal. This should continue for the first 3 days following the surgical procedure.
  4. Eat only soft foods. Avoid hard and chewy foods.
  5. Get plenty of rest and insure normal intake of food, especially liquids such as fruit juices, soup, and milk. Use a vitamin supplement if desired. Try not to sleep on the operated area for 2-3 days.
  6. DO NOT raise your lips with your fingers to inspect the treated area.
  7. DO NOT brush teeth near the surgical site. Brush teeth in the rest of your mouth.
  8. There is often a temporary loss of feeling in the operated area and the tooth may feel loose.
  9. Take all medication that was prescribed for you according to instructions.
  10. Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:
    1. uncontrollable pain
    2. excessive or severe bleeding
    3. marked fever
    4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
    5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

  1. BLEEDING:  Small amounts of blood in the saliva can make your saliva appear quite red. This is normal and may be noticed the rest of the day after the procedure.
  2. SMOKING:  Smoking should be stopped following surgery. Healing and success of the implant will be substantially reduced by the cigarette smoke chemicals in your body.
  3. PAIN:  Some discomfort is normal after surgery. To minimize pain, Take two Tylenol, Nuprin, Advil, or similar non-aspirin pain reliever every 3 to 4 hours until bedtime to maintain comfort. Take it before the anesthesia wears off. If prescription pain medication is prescribed, take it as instructed on the label. Don’t exceed the dose on the label. Taking with food or milk will help reduce upset stomach. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery when taking pain prescriptions. Do not drink alcohol while taking prescription pain medications.
  4. NAUSEA:  This is most often caused by taking pain medications on an empty stomach. Reduce nausea by preceding each pain pill with soft food, and taking the pill with a large glass of water.
  5. SWELLING:   Applying an ice bag to the face over the operated area will minimize swelling. Apply for 15 minutes, then remove for 15 minutes. Continue this for the first day.
  6. NUMBNESS:  The local anesthetic will cause you to be numb for several hours after you leave the office. Be very careful not to bite, chew, pinch, or scratch the numb area. Sometimes the implant procedure causes residual numbness or tingling for six weeks or longer.
  7. BRUSHING:  Do not brush your teeth for the first 8 hours after surgery. After this, you may brush your teeth gently, but avoid the area of surgery for 3 days.
  8. RINSING:  Avoid all rinsing or swishing for 24 hours after your procedure. After 24 hours you may begin gentle rinsing with a saltwater solution (1/2 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon soda + 8 ounces warm water). Avoid commercial mouthrinses. You may be instructed to use a prescription antimicrobial mouthrinse.
  9. DIET:  Eat soft foods for the first two days. Maintain a good, balanced diet. Return to normal regular meals as soon as you are able after the first two days. Drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours.
  10. ACTIVITY:   After leaving the office, rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. Keeping blood pressure lower will reduce bleeding and aid healing.
  11. ANTIBIOTICS:  If you were given an antibiotic prescription, take all of them as directed until they are gone. Women: some antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Use alternate birth control methods for two months.
  12. SINUS:  If your sinus was involved in the procedure, you should avoid blowing your nose or playing a wind musical instrument for one week. Use of decongestant medications might be recommended.
  13. REMOVABLE APPLIANCES, DENTURES:  Your dentist will give you specific instructions about your prosthesis. To avoid putting any pressure on the new implants before they have healed, your denture might be adjusted or significantly modified. In certain cases you will need to go without your dentures for a period (days or weeks) after the implants are placed. Sometimes a temporary removable appliance is made for cosmetic purposes, until a new non-removable one can be made.
  14. FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS:  You may need to return to the office within the first 14 days to have sutures removed, or just for a brief follow-up healing check. You may need to return after the implant has integrated for a small second procedure to expose it in preparation for the final restoration.
  15. Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:
    1. uncontrollable pain
    2. excessive or severe bleeding
    3. marked fever
    4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
    5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

What to expect following surgery:

  1. Bleeding:  Small amounts of blood in the saliva can make your saliva appear quite red. This is normal and may be noticed the rest of the day after the procedure.
  2. Pain:  Moderate discomfort may be noticed when the anesthetic first wears off, and may continue for several days.
  3. Swelling:  Some swelling and discoloration of the lip and/or cheek may occur and may last for a few days.
  4. Sensation:  There may be a temporary loss of feeling in the gums in the operated area. The teeth may also feel loose for a time. The teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.

What to do following the surgery:

  1. After leaving the office, rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. Keeping blood pressure lower will reduce bleeding and aid healing.
  2. Take two Tylenol, Nuprin, Advil, or similar non-aspirin pain reliever every 3 to 4 hours until bedtime to maintain comfort. Take it before the anesthesia wears off.
  3. If pain medication is prescribed, take it as you need it. Don’t exceed the dose on the label. Taking with food or milk will help reduce upset stomach. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery when taking pain prescriptions. Do not drink alcohol while taking prescription pain medications.
  4. Nausea is most often caused by taking pain medications on an empty stomach. Reduce nausea by preceding each pain pill with soft food, and taking the pill with a large glass of water.
  5. Applying an ice bag to the face over the operated area will minimize swelling. Apply for 15 minutes, then remove for 15 minutes. Continue this for the first day.
  6. Eat soft foods for the first 2 – 4 days. Maintain a good, balanced diet. Drink plenty of water. Do not drink through a straw. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours.
  7. Avoid chewing directly over the operated area until the sutures are removed.
  8. Brush all of your teeth after each meal. Avoid the operated area for the first day. Take care to avoid pulling the sutures.
  9. Do not rinse vigorously; do not use a Waterpik®.
  10. A saltwater solution (1/2 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon soda + 8 ounces warm water) held in your mouth for 2 to 3 minutes every hour may make your mouth more comfortable.
  11. If your sinus was involved in the procedure, you should avoid blowing your nose or playing a wind musical instrument for one week. Use of decongestant medications might be recommended.
  12. Avoid lifting the lip with your fingers to look at the area. It is possible to accidentally tear the sutures, open the incision, and delay healing.
  13. Smoking should be stopped following surgery. Healing and success of the surgery will be substantially reduced by the cigarette smoke chemicals in your body.
  14. If you were given an antibiotic prescription, take all of them as directed until they are gone. Women: some antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Use alternate birth control methods for two months.
  15. You may be instructed to use a prescription antimicrobial mouthrinse.
  16. Return to your dentists office for removal of the sutures or follow-up checks as directed.
  17. Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:
    1. uncontrollable pain
    2. excessive or severe bleeding
    3. marked fever
    4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
    5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

Hygiene Care:

  1. While in temporaries, you should take great care in keeping the gums around the treated teeth clean and free of irritation.
  2. Brush the gums thoroughly around the veneers and rinse. If the gums become excessively inflamed during the time you are in temporary veneers, your appointment to bond the permanent veneers will be postponed for a minimum of one week, or until the irritation is relieved.



  1. Anesthetic is usually used for veneer preparation. Your lips and tongue may be numb for several hours after your appointment. It is recommended that you avoid chewing until the numbness has completely worn off to avoid injury.



  1. The injection site may be sore. Over the counter pain medications should be taken for pain and discomfort



  1. Hot, cold, and pressure sensitivity is normal after your appointment and may persist while the temporaries are in place.


Permanent Veneers:

  1. As dental veneers are bonded to the tooth, there is some chance that the bonding agent may fail, resulting in the veneer “popping” off the tooth. If this happen, bring the veneer with you to our office. We may be able to easily re-bond it to your tooth. A soft diet is recommended for 24 -48 hours after placement.
  2. Once the final veneers are bonded in place, if you notice any dark staining at the gumline, experience, hot, cold, or bite sensitivity, or any other unexplained persistent sensitivity, please call our office for an exam.
  3. Watch what you bite: The material used to manufacture these lumineers/veneers is very durable, but just like a natural tooth, biting hard objects can result in unwanted damage. So avoid biting or chewing on objects like ice, fingernails, pens and similar items.
  4. Night guards: We recommend you wear a night-guard for as long as you wish to keep the new veneers protected from fracture. Nighttime clenching is the most common cause of veneer failure. We cannot warranty your veneers unless you are wearing your night-guard to sleep on a regular basis.
  5. You may notice certain sounds, such as those made using the letters “v” and “f” may be difficult to make at first as the edge of the top teeth may be different than your original teeth, and even the temporaries. Also, some patients complain that they are spitting when they talk. Please understand that it may require time to re-train your lips when speaking and may take as long as 3-6 months.

Please contact us or Call/Text us on 571-969-3368 dentist if you have:

  1. uncontrollable pain
  2. excessive or severe bleeding
  3. marked fever
  4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
  5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

  1. Dentures should be removed at night and placed in water while you sleep.
  2. Place dentures in Denture Solution (CVS) overnight, or at least 30 minutes daily.
  3. After soaking, thoroughly remove all cleanser by light brushing under tap water. Lightly brush dentures with a soft toothbrush. Denture brushes with stiff, coarse bristles can cause wear to the denture materials.
  4. To prevent breaking dentures, brush denture over a towel or over a basin half-filled with water.
  5. Massage gums daily with a thumb, finger, or soft toothbrush for five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening.

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